Hesgoal TV does not host or upload any video & media files, we are not responsible for the legality of the content of other linked or embedded sites. If you have any legal issues please contact appropriate media owners or hosters. All streams, broadcasts and channels for any sports are free available and can be found in Google top 20 pages as well we do only collect links. We do never stream nor host any content.
All streams and videos found here are shared by sports fans around the world and are available through sites like Twitch, Ustream and so on.
We simply help making the search for streams and videos easier, and are not responsible for any infringements. for that please contact appropriate media file owners or hosters.
For best quality as well as performance we advice you to use Google Chrome for streaming as well as keep your system up to date. You will never have to pay, download nor install anything to watch.
Our platform hesgoal TV live stream merely displays links to audiovisual content located on servers of third parties and provided and/or transmitted by third parties. We DO NOT host nor transmit any audiovisual content itself and DO NOT control nor influence such content. We cannot accept any liability for the content trans mitted by others. Any responsibility for this content lies with those who host or transmit it. We are not affiliated nor claim to be affiliated with any of the owners of streams and/or videos. All content is copyright of their respective owners.